on saleDiamine Magical Forest - Ink Sample

Product Code IS-D9003

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on saleDiamine Magical Forest - Ink Sample

Product Code IS-D9003

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MSRP $2.50

2ml sample of Diamine Magical Forest shimmering fountain pen ink, in a labeled plastic vial. Green with silver shimmer.

Ink Samples
Fast Drying

Whether or not the ink contains glittery particles.

Freeze Resistant

Whether or not an ink is specially formulated to better withstand freezing temperatures.

Iron Gall

Ink made from iron salts and tannic acids. Though quite permanent and waterproof, these inks are typically known for causing chemical corrosion to metal pen parts (especially the nib) and should be used sparingly or with less-valuable pens.


Whether or not an ink is specially formulated to increase flow in your pen.


Whether or not the ink contains finely-ground solid particles in liquid suspension.

Water Resistant

Whether or not the ink, once dried on the paper, will resist being washed away with water.


Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Extra fine nib review

The ink is very shimmery but when I write with it, it is very dry and the shimmer is very light. This may be because I have a extra fine nib on the TWSBI.

Beautiful and doesn't clog pens

Unlike some other shimmer inks I've tried, the Shimmertastics have never clogged my pens. I had some Red Lustre in a stub-nib pen left from last Christmas, and it still writes well. Magical Forest is my other Christmas go-to ink and it performs the same. These are great inks with a lot of shimmer.

Beautiful sparkling green

This was a random sample and I put in a Twsbi Eco. Wow! Looks so pretty in the pen and writes smoothly and shimmers too. I enjoy it and look forward to purchasing a bottle.

Jennifer D.
Not much shimmer

Not exciting for me.

Unpleasant to Use & Impossible to Clean

This is the worst of both worlds with shimmering inks. Either there's no glitter or the shimmer is so dominant that you can't see the green underneath. It often writes VERY dry, uncomfortably so, even in a pen that I've never suffered flow problems before. I was constantly having to floss the tines, and that only worked for a few pages. But then sometimes it would dump down so much ink that it feathered and bled through on Rhodia. It was unpleasant to write with. And impossible to clean! I didn't end up going through the converter. I flushed the feed using a bulb syringe twice with Goulet pen flush and almost a dozen times with water and still some glitter is left! And I might have to just throw away the converter all together. I simply cannot get the glitter out of it. I hate to be so negative, but this is hands-down the worst ink I've ever used. I don't understand it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is shimmering ink safe to use in fountain pens? 8EDA1617-F73A-4DAF-8245-6D2BF4ABEB7B

Yes! Shimmering ink (a fountain pen ink that has small particles of glitter mixed in) is a great way to add some flare to your writing. We have found that a larger nib will showcase more shimmering particles while writing, but you can use any nib size with shimmering ink. While it is safe to use in fountain pens, it may require a little extra maintenance.

Due to the amount of particulate in this ink used to achieve the sparking look, you may experience restricted ink flow in some of your pens, especially with finer nibs.

We recommend shaking the ink thoroughly before filling, and gently rolling the pen in your hands often to keep the shimmer effect consistent. This will also help prevent clogging.

You will also want to be diligent about regularly cleaning and maintaining your pen when using this ink.

For more information, check out our blog post on How to Write with Shimmering Ink, or watch the video here:

How do I fill my fountain pen from an ink sample vial? 8EDA1617-F73A-4DAF-8245-6D2BF4ABEB7B

The technique depends on the fountain pen's filling mechanism.

Check out our blog post on How to Fill a Fountain Pen from an Ink Sample Vial, or watch the video here:

How much writing can I really do with 2ml? 8EDA1617-F73A-4DAF-8245-6D2BF4ABEB7B

We find that usually you can get 2 good fills for a typical converter with our ink samples, or one good fill with a large capacity piston-filling pen.

How much writing you can do depends on you more than anything else. It mostly depends on how big or small you write, and the nib size you’re using. We recommend experimenting with different nib sizes to find what works best for you. 

What's your return policy? 8EDA1617-F73A-4DAF-8245-6D2BF4ABEB7B

This product is ineligible for return.

You can read more about all our Return Policies here.